Also, I've been messing around with note arrangement a lot. I've ordered several kalimbas with custom note layout, and I've disassembled a few kalimbas to rearrange them. There is quite a few thing that I've learned during these processes. Working with those gave me more understanding of the relationship between tone, note layout and playing technique. I would be very happy to share them with you.
Here are the kalimba collection I have (photo taken on 25th, April):
They (from the left to right, upper to lower) are:
Eric Freeman Diatnoic Bass | Andrew Masters Custom Steel Drum Sanza 19-notes | Catatonia Pentatonic Electric 11-notes |
Anklang NSR | Mbiraski Custom | Mbira by Jona |
Rearranged Mugen Chromatic | Mugen Diatonic | Mugen Original Chromatic |
Hokema B5 | Rearranged Thomas Bothe Custom 24-notes | AMI Treble Chromatic |
Also I was the owner of the JBH chromatic 3 octaves. Due to the unbalanced pickup sound I've returned it. Josh had improved it since then so I think it may not have the problem before, here is a link for it if you are interested:
And this is the current pedal board that I use my pickup kalimbas with :
It contains : Devi Ever Soda Meiser / Strymon El Capistan / Gotharmans Demoon / Boss DD-3 / Moog MuRF
I also use K&K sound's Silver Bullet microphone for micing the kalimbas that are without pickups.